
Thank you for visiting our photography blog! Shawn David Photography is all about capturing moments to remember. We are a husband and wife team who absolutely love meeting new people and having fun photo sessions with them. We would love to hear feedback from you, so please feel free to leave us a comment or send us an email. Contact us to book your photo shoot at shawndavidphotography@gmail.com.

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December 17, 2014


Here are some sneak peeks of a super cute family we have been photographing for the past several years. Thank you guys so much!

December 13, 2014

We Wish You A Merry Christmas!!

Here are our favorites from a photo shoot we shot of ourselves this week at Ryckman Park. We rarely get out there and get good family pictures, so we determined we were going to do it this year. Shawn, Nathan, and Hannah look so cute in every single shot, as always! As for me, I hate getting my picture taken. I'm the first to offer to be on the other side of the camera. Dorky me! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw what we had come up with. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

1 Chronicles 16:34--Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.


December 12, 2014


     Check out our ginormous Christmas tree! It smells so good, looks awesome, and makes all of us super excited!

While looking through some old pictures, I came across these two of little Hannah. How I miss those thighs and those chunky cheeks I could just eat up! I bawled on my couch for longer than I'd like to admit and sat there thinking about how the years have just flown by! It also brought me back to that year and some really poor choices we made that sent me into a full-blown depression. The type where you have no desire to get out of bed and do life...like, for months! The kind where you think your eyeballs couldn't possibly shed anymore tears and your heart couldn't ache worse, along with a multitude of other awful things. During this time, I was desperate! Still am, but this was different. I was desperate for more of Jesus and way less of me. Desperate for a fresh perspective on life. Desperate for really feeling his presence, not just knowing it in my head. Desperate for a renewed passion. Desperate for healing. Flat out desperate.

And then...Jesus! In all of his awesomeness, he pulled me up out of that icky pit and gave me all I needed to get through it. He gave me all I was desperate for, in his perfect timing. (Psalm 40:1-3) I love how He works! He's the reason we celebrate Christmas. He alone satisfies. Our savior, Jesus Christ, is truly the greatest gift ever! To sum it all up, of course, I have to share two songs that I love and think you'll have to put on replay. (Check out Worship Central's "Can't Stop Your Love") It basically talks about how he never stops loving us, even in all of our crazy choices and slip ups. It also talks about how we are surrounded by his presence and that we don't walk alone in this life. After all, the Holy Spirit has taken up residency in those who call upon His name! We are always going to have messy things in life and personal struggles, but we can rest assured that he welcomes us back with loving arms and he gives us the strength to get back on track and be fruitful for his glory. (The other is "Stars Are Singing" by Mainstay.) Love it. Makes me want to curl up in a blanket on these cold nights and just gaze up at the sky to take it all in! Let's celebrate Jesus, the reason for the season!